Hello there! This will be my first official post to kickstart this food blog. I have been asked time and time again by family members and friends to start a food blog since I am such a food enthusiast. I literally light up when you talk to me or ask me about food. I think discovering good food and sharing it with family and friends is my greatest passion in life (sadly, musical instruments or dancing and the likes of it does not make me go as crazy as food does).
This blog was created last year but I have been putting it off until now. Firstly, I have yet to get the layout and those coding thingamajigs right because I have an embarrassing lack of knowledge for this sort of thing, so please bear with me as I slowly get it right. Secondly, I have been pondering about what would make THE perfect first post. You know, to set the standard and to captivate the readers.
But Jarratt advised me to 'just be yourself'. So this will be me, imperfections and all devoting my passion for food on this blog.
By the way, I am currently studying in Melbourne so my blog will be a mix of food you can find here, food in Singapore(when I'm back in Singapore), Malaysia (when I'm back in Malacca) and whatever food I encounter when I go on holidays.
So, for the first post, I have decided to go back to my roots and honour the food I grew up eating, grew up loving and appreciating. The food that I can only have whenever I fly back. Makes me appreciate it even more :') Below, are some of my favourite food you can only find in Malacca. Yes, other countries might serve it but the indisputable original taste and recipes are located in Malacca (this is my blog, my opinion. But feel free to suggest places you think might be better).
The above photo with the angry bird fish cake (how cute is that! keeping up with the trend while preserving the traditional recipes) is called Satay Celup, Celup means to dip. Growing up, this meal was a special treat because it is heaty (the sauce is peanut base), so we will look forward to it.
The place I always go to is called Ban Lee Siang @ Ong Kim Wee cause I live pretty nearby and it is less crowded compared to the other super famous one, Capitol Satay (this is the standard one that Singaporeans go to cause it is highly publicized. You get to choose from a huge variety of skewered ingredients such as mushrooms, ladies fingers, pig's ear (for the more adventurous, it's pretty good), sausages, you tiao (chinese doughnut) and so much more. Then you cook in the boiling pot of rich peanut sauce and enjoy! Go check it out, I know many people who have yet to discover the joys that Satay Celup brings to your tastebuds :)
Okay, this one can be found all over Malaysia. COCONUT SHAKE! This one can be found in the Klebang area and it's best friend is the nasi lemak that they have there too. The price is extremely extremely reasonable and the taste is so so good for street food. It is heaven on earth especially on those mega sunny days.
One of the snacks I cannot live without. Malacca's putu piring because I'm not a fan of the ones made in Singapore. This one can be found @ Jalan Tengkera. Thank god it's near my house so I can have it whenever I want! The price has been increasing over the years due to it's popularity and the economy. But no matter the price, I will still go back for it because it is worth it. Coconut shavings and gula melaka goodness, how can I resist? HOW?! (sweet tooth talking)

This my friends, is Ice Kacang (yes,most of you know already). Jeta Grove @ Melaka Raya serves THE best ice kacang amongst other food. Another treat on super sunny days, Jeta Grove serves Durian ice kacang for the durian lovers. They offer durian chendol too. PLUS they'll do double shot durian if one shot of durian on your dessert is not enough. It's one of the places I go to once or twice a week for food and dessert. The picture below is Denise's special aka Ice Kacang Kosong. Kosong means empty so it's just shaved ice with syrup, gula melaka and evaporate milk. Why? Cause sometimes (most of the time) I'm not a fan of the ingredients that goes into it but I love the liquidy toppings so I usually just order my special. teehee.

The food in this photo can all be found at Jeta Grove. They serve Nyonya food like (clockwise from top left) Laksa, Mee Rebus, Chendol and Tau Kuah. Their Mee Siam is good too. I always have to decide between Mee Rebus, Mee Siam or their fried beehoon or mee (for the more health conscious dieting girls, you can ask for less noodle and more tauge/beansprouts, super yummy). Usually I will end up ordering two of the three options and force someone to share with me. heehee. Sorry for the collage as I did not have the foresight at the time to keep the original photos due to limited memory space.
So this is the end of my First Official Post. Haha so exciting I hope it is not too wordy but since it's the first post, please understand. Future posts will be location specific and will be less wordy. Sorry if it feels amateurish, am still working on it and I hope to mature with this blog.
May you find as much joy in food as I do,